Morgan Bayda and Open Letter to Educators
Morgan Bayda is a new teacher working in Canada. The experiences in her post and in the video by Dan Brown really hit home with me and my experiences with school so far.I agree with Morgan completely. The classes I was taken were so boring and the professor was just rereading the notes and going over power points. I really enjoyed the video.But I would not have dropped out of class either. It may only depend on your major. Before I changed my major to elementary education it was biomedical sciences. I felt as Morgan and Dan did in almost all my class and never opened my book. But now the classes I am taking in the educational field are much more smaller. And the professor don't just read the PowerPoint but they teach you through telling their personal experiences and setting up scenarios for us to learn from. Also in the classes I am taking I know just about all my classmates name and we talk in person and through e-mail unlike before I didn't even know the person name who sat by me every day in class. Now we also get into groups and work together as a team. So in my opinion I think it all depends on your major and university.
Two questions that can change your life
by Daniel Pink
The video was really short but made me think. The video presented the idea that a great man is a sentence. So ask yourself "What's my sentence?". And to better your life ask yourself "Was a better today than yesterday?". So my sentence is ... She is always helping,learning, and living life.
You brought up a good point about the majors. I agree that some majors lend themselves to project based learning more than others and we are fortunate to really be in the program we are in for that reason!