Monday, November 15, 2010

Blog Post #12


Watch this video on technology in special education. I do you feel about technology in special education? How will you use technology in the classroom differently with special students than with other students? Would there be a difference? Write a paragraph answering these questions and your reaction to the video on your post.


WOW! Technology is so important to those kids it make their life a lot easier. I never really thought of technology in that way as a life functioning skill. In the video, using their laptops to communicate was easier and it also made learning fun. In my classroom I would always use technology in anything I do with all my students. But, there will probably be some times when my special students will receive extra help. I would help them through technology when needed.

1 comment:

  1. Great find. I certainly need something on special ed to counter all the negative guesses about using technology with spec ed students. Thanks very much!
